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"What worked for others may not work for for, ask God for the grace to adopt the right strategy for every situation"

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19 Nov 2012

Godly Habits and Entertainments

  Hi, and how was your weekend? believe you did have a good time. This is a new week and we should all have goals and things we want to achieve. anyways, this is not today's topic we are not going to be discussing  "SETTING OF  GOALS AND ACHIEVING OF GOALS". we are going to be talking about Godly Habits and Entertainments.

When i was reading a book by Gerald B Stanton, titled "CHRISTIAN FOUNDATIONS", i found a part which was talking about habits and entertainments that are Godly and that should be emulated by Christians.Which i thought will be a good idea if i should share it with you guys.
UnGodly habit                                

Godly habits
There are certain familiar habits and entertainments which fill the horizon of the unregenerate.While normal for the unsaved, they never cease to lead astray the children of God. According to Gerald, "it is not our right to list what types of habits or entertainments are bad but we could give you ways to discover those bad ones."

How can we discover which Habits and Entertainments are not Godly
    You can use the questions below  to assess what habits and entertainments are not Godly.
  1. Is it expressly forbidden in the word of God? does it violate any plain teaching of scripture (john 12:48)?
  2. Do the best christians i know participate in this things? Do no lightly depart from the accepted standards of the Christian community. If Christ were alive today, would he be found doing it? he is our primary example (1 peter 2:21, John 17:16)
  3. Recognizing that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, (1 corinthians 3:16), does this activity injure, pollute or defile his temple?
  4. Can i do this thing in the name of Christ, asking him to bless it (Colossians 3:17, 2 Timothy 2:4)?
  5. Recognizing that i have within me two opposing natures, which one does this pracice feed?, the OLD or the NEW?  ( colossians 3:5-10)?
  6. Would i like to be so engaged Christ returns (Titus 2:12-14, 1 john 3:3)?
  7. Might it cause me to become a stumbling block to some weaker brothers in Christ? (1 corinthians 8:9-13)
  8. How would it affect my testimony before the unsaved (Philippians 2:15)? would i be willing for my friends to know all about it?
  9. Would it involve a waste of God's MONEY (luke 19:12-13), TIME (ephesians 5:16) or TALENTS (luke 12:48) invested in me?
  10. Is it one of the World's typical amusements (1john 2:15-17)? Does it Cause me to be with God's people or the Devil's Crowd (james 4:4)?.
 You can use this questions to know if an habit or entertainment you want to go into or like doing is Godly or not,
NB: take your time to answer this questions.

thank you for reading this article, please don't forget to like out fanpage on facebook. christlyminded


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