Today's Quote

Today's Quote
"What worked for others may not work for for, ask God for the grace to adopt the right strategy for every situation"

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26 Oct 2012

10 ways to overcome temptation

For the past three days now, we have been talking about temptations and how to overcome them, and i think it will be of a good gesture if we could use this whole week to talk about temptation.

But there is something i have noticed which i know if taken care of will help me bring up a good write up and new articles, and this is the comment which i had expect to see sometimes. if there is anything you would have love to share with us, that is ;
  •  what you think about the article.
  • how useful it is.
  • what you might like to see added to the articles or new articles.
  • or just how we could make things better for you.
Without wasting much of your time, lets just go straight to the 10 ways to overcome temptation. temptation is one problem Christian's encounter everyday. whether you are in Europe, Asia, Afghanistan, Nigeria, U.S.A or any other part of the world, there are temptation of different kind.

if you would like to read the first two article on temptation, just click on any of this how to overcome temptations and bible verses to overcoming temptations .

  1. Identify your temptations ( what type of temptation do you face? write it down)
  2. What are the causes of the temptation? ( what bring about the temptation? is it when you are alone? when you are with peers? or when you are surfing through the internet? also note these too, put them down on the same paper).
  3. Now that you know what kind of temptation you face, the next step is to Pray about it. asking for the help of God, to strengthen you.
  4. Try to play sometimes and make fun with families and friends.
  5. Avoid the temptations (1 Corinthians  6:18)
  6. Use, quote and believe in God's word. ( we have an article on using the bible verses to overcome temptation you can read it here . )
  7. Make friends of the same faith, and share things with your brothers in faith.
  8. Believe that with the grace of God you can overcome.
  9. Have faith in God
  10. Flee from every form of temptation.   
i pray that with these few steps, you will overcome every temptation with the grace of God.
just believe in Jesus Christ and put your Focus on him, and he is faithful and Just to help you overcome.

thank you for reading today's article, and please don't forget to drop your comment either you want to add, ask, or pass a message across to other readers and the bloggers, simply drop the comment below and share this with friends to. on facebook and twitter with other sharing medium. 

thank you. 


feel free to write your comment, if you have an idea, want to make an addition.