Today's Quote

Today's Quote
"What worked for others may not work for for, ask God for the grace to adopt the right strategy for every situation"

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30 Nov 2012

7 ways on how to make your day better

  "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones". proverbs 17:22

Yesterday is gone, it is now history, tomorrow and the future is  merely an imagination of what will become of you. You have today to make a better life, to be the change for your life. Thinking about tomorrow that is now history or tomorrow that is yet to come will not add anything, or will just add a few ( and that is if it adds) to your today.

how to make your day better and great

We should strive to have a better day. Therefore, i have come up with 7 ways on how you could make your day a better and here is how you can make it better:
  1. Get one important thing done.
  2. Spend time with a loved one.
  3. Appreciate more. ( a life of gratitude is the best)
  4. Don't think about negative things. ( you can do these later if you wish, so as not to spoil your day)
  5. Develop better communication with people, colleagues and co-workers.
  6. Do less thing more.
  7. And have a good time rest.
With these steps taken, you can have or make your day better. Thank you for reading. If you have more ways we could live and have a better life, feel free to drop it in the comment.


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